Who ever approved this becoming McCain's new front page to his website should be fired - immediately. Its tough to know exactly where to begin but lets start with the background. How does it compare to say, oh, I don't know, this...

So that is a pretty clear rip off.
Second, lets take that new slogan McCain has started using.
Doesn't sound so bad. In fact, sounds kinda good. Actually, its kinda sounds like...
But wait, that is Obama's slogan.
These are both pretty bad. When Obama copied someone else at least he did it from a friend - someone with whom he has a history of sharing ideas.
The biggest problem with the add, though, isn't that it comes across awkwardly, although it does. The biggest problem is that it reminds people of Obama - the last thing you want to be doing if you are McCain. But a copy is never as good as the original and this is stridently obvious here. The add comes across rigid and forced.
But these are superficial matters, right? After all, a flashy website - copied or original - won't improve your life or mine. And I would hesitate to make the leap that this implies that McCain is somehow a follower. But then he goes and does this...
Granted the idea is great. We should all recognize those around us who contribute to our society in positive and constructive ways. The problem with this video, other than the plain black background that makes this add look like an 80's sales training video, is that this concept of a bottom-up, grassroots campaign that empowers and honors the average voter, while it certainly did not originate from Obama, it has been a part of his campaign from the very beginning. It is not something that comes naturally to McCain and this video demonstrates it.
Most of all all this stuff makes me realize how stupid Al Gore must have looked in 'earth tones' or how ridiculous John Kerry looked riding a motorcycle onto Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" stage. The problem with making someone into someone they are not is that it never looks right. The person never feels comfortable being something they are not. There is nothing more politically unattractive than someone who is not comfortable in their skin (i.e. Nixon).
This is what McCain's website used to look like...

Now it is certainly not groundbreaking but it is honest.
McCain needs to do some serious soul searching. He needs to reclaim his own unique voice. When he says he believes that he "can inspire a generation of American's to serve a cause greater than their self interests" he cannot pretend that it will come across as it does for Obama. He should not believe that by mimicking Obama he will inspire anyone. I really hope that he does reclaim his voice. McCain is not one for theatrics and soaring rhetoric, but when he used to speak candidly he appeared honorable and courageous. Certainly whoever becomes our next president will need a great deal of courage. The courage to lead... not follow.
Thievery reference - Video and new McCain Website Front-Page Image found on Talking Points Memo)
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