September 3, 2008

The Effects of Torture

From Ezra...

After a long retelling of McCain's experience as a prisoner, Thompson intoned, "civilizations since the dawn of time have looked for this sort of character in their leaders." Which sort of raises the question: Should we just find the longest serving POW in the country and elect him president?

And a commenter takes Thompson's idea to its logical conclusion.

So torture builds character that leads to leadership.
I can only imagine the sign above Gitmo:

"Welcome future world leaders"

I do not intend to denigrate McCain's experience as a POW. I cannot begin to imagine what such a tragic and painful experience would do to me. But one can see what a profound impact it has had on his life and worldview. Whether that has an impact on your decision to vote for him up to you although I, too, am a bit skeptical of the POW=POTUS argument.

But I think the more important thing to take from the commenter's caustic remark is not that anyone who is being held at Gitmo is going to be a future world leader, but rather... What kind of worldview are we creating in the prisoners we torture and does that really serve our country's best interests?

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