April 26, 2008

Free Rice!

If you have a little time to kill and want to do some good and have fun improving your vocabulary check out FreeRice.com. This online vocab game gives you SAT-style vocabulary words along with a selection of possible synonyms. For every word you guess correctly the site donates 20 grains of rice to the US World Food Program.

That may not seem like a lot but according to Wikipedia there are approximately 1,000 grains of rice in one serving. So if you get 50 correct answers you have fed someone for one meal. 150 correct answers and you have fed someone for a day.

How long would that take? It took me 6 minutes to get 25 correct answers. And my vocabulary leaves a lot to be desired. So lets assume the average person could get 25 correct answers in 5 minutes. If you spent 10 minutes a day playing you could feed a person three meals in less than a week! Just for playing a fun game!

UPDATE: I guess my math skills also leave a lot to be desired. If we assume 25 correct answers in 5 minutes, than we could also probably assume 50 correct answers in 10 minutes. This would mean 1 meal per 10 minutes. Which of course means that you could feed one person for a whole day in 3 days not six days. And you could feed two people for a day after 6 days!

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Thanks for the info. I am going to pass it on. God makes it so easy for us to do his work.