There has been a lot of concern among democrats the last few weeks. As this seemingly never ending primary contest continues between two formidable candidates, pressure for Hillary to concede the race to Obama has been mounting and has left many democrats wondering if we will shoot ourselves in the foot yet again by allowing highly destructive in-fighting. Many argue that we are proving to be our own worst enemy yet again this year. However, Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos makes a convincing counter argument in a recent Newsweek article that this protracted primary may ultimately benefit democrats both higher and lower on the ballot come next fall. How? Because we are getting organized. This primary is exactly what the doctor ordered - Dr. Howard Dean that is. His 50 states strategy has been berated by many longtime democrats. But as Obama and Clinton traverse and criss-cross the country, every state heatedly contested, they are not only both raising candidate name recognition and stealing the headlines of local newspapers away from McCain, they are more importantly leaving behind the most crucial factor in producing voter turn-out - ORGANIZATION. So far this organization has lead to the registration of hundreds of thousands of new democrats and has identified tens of thousands of new volunteers. Come October this strengthening of grass-roots organizing in swing states and previously red state strongholds could prove to be democrats most valuable asset in turning out the vote. So for now I think we should all just calm down. If after June 3rd (the last primary) Clinton refuses to step down, then you may have something to worry about.
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