May 20, 2008

Bush Gets "Gotcha'd"

Regarding the White House's beef with NBC, I would say they have a legitimate complaint. Not that I feel bad for them. The ones who are complaining now are the same people who have engaged in the most egregious forms of deliberate manipulation of facts in my lifetime. And I think "manipulation of the facts" is about as nice as any honest person could possibly state it. To be fully forthcoming would require recognizing the fact that this administration has blatantly lied to us throughout the last 7 plus years.

Although I do not feel bad for the White House being on the unfavorable end of the population not being fully and properly informed, it should nonetheless not be tolerated and I think NBC should air the interview in its entirety. This is another case of the media cherry picking that which will make for a good story in order to fulfill the predetermined agenda. It is exactly the type of journalism that Ezra Klein was repudiating in his column that I just posted a couple days ago.

So while part of me loves to see just deserves being administered with such a heavy dose of irony, I know that ultimately this does not serve to better inform the public and therefore should not be tolerated.

Take a few minuted to read the official letter sent by Ed Gillespie, Counselor to the President, to NBC which Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic Monthly generously placed next to the footage that actually aired on NBC.

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