August 24, 2008

If It's Leiberman...

Ezra Klein speculates that McCain could pick Joe Lieberman as his running mate. If he does, consider the contrast to the election 4 years ago. On the one side you have a centrist Republican who has recently shifted to the right coupled with an historically centrist Democrat who recently shifted (pretty significantly) to the right vs. a quasi-centrist democrat (rhetorically at least) coupled with an intensely devoted leftist. Now compare this to four years ago when it was a leader of neocon ideology propping up a born-again christian vs. an intensely devoted leftist and a social justice advocate (although he was southern).

Initially it seemed to me that McCain's smartest choice would be Lieberman. But think of what this would do to the dynamic of the race. Lines become blurred. And despite the predictable Republican rhetoric we would have a much more nuanced decision to confront. The black and white world of good and evil that has been the foundation of the last eight years of the Bush administration would dissolve. Its tough to say exactly who this would benefit but if I were forced to guess I think overall it would benefit Democrats. In my limited experience Republicans have faired much better when lines are drawn with much greater distinction between "right and wrong," "good and evil," and "us and them."

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