Andrew Sullivan points to a web tool that analyzes your browsing history to determine your sex.
My results...
Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 5%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 95%
So that is good news. But what I found interesting is what this calculation was based on.
Site.......................... Male-Female Ratio
youtube.com................... 1
craigslist.org.................... 1.13
facebook.com.................. 0.83
cnn.com.......................... 1.35
blogger.com.................... 1.06
nytimes.com................... 1.13
washingtonpost.com....... 1.15
foodnetwork.com............ 0.63
orbitz.com...................... 0.83
huffingtonpost.com........ 1.35
slate.com........................ 1.11
barackobama.com.......... 0.68
hotmail.com................... 0.83
politico.com................... 1.7
nfl.com........................... 1.5
johnmccain.com............. 1.27
realclearpolitics.com....... 1.82
gmail.com....................... 0.9
dailykos.com................... 1.56
So according to this it is more masculine to visit Politico, Real Clear Politics, and the Daily Kos than the NFL! Politics is apparently more masculine that sports.
PS - if there is a sign that Barack has cornered the female demographic just compare the assigned ratios to his and John McCain's websites.
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