The other day I was, for no particular reason, wondering... what is the last name of the British Royal Family? You always heard about Princess Dianna. You always hear about Prince William, Prince Harry, and Charles the Prince of Whales. But do any of these guys have a last name? So I went on Wikipedia and checked it out. Here is what I found.
Diana, Princess of Wales was Diana Frances
Prince Charles, Prince of Wales is Charles Philip Arthur George.
Prince Henry of Wales is Henry Charles Albert David
Prince William of Wales is William Arthur Philip Louis
So that solves it for Princess Dianna. But that still left me completely perplexed by the fact that these men had no official last names. Not that they really need one. It isn't like people are asking, "Which Prince William are you referring to?" But I still was not satisfied so I dug a bit deeper and discovered that "As a titled royal, Charles holds no surname, but, when one is used, it is Mountbatten-Windsor, although, according to letters patent dated February 1960, his official surname was Windsor." So for now I am going to assume that officially or unofficially Prince William and Prince Harry hold the same surname.
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