August 13, 2008

A Quotidian Report on the Mundane

A Quotidian Report on the Mundane has been inspired by The Orwell Prize's publishing of George Orwell’s diaries as a blog. According to the site, "From 9th August 2008, Orwell’s domestic and political diaries (from 9th August 1938 until October 1942) will be posted in real-time, exactly 70 years after the entries were written."

I, in no way, am planning on mimicking Orwell's journal style but in reading it I have come to think that there is no reason for something to be important to record it. So the goal will be to have at least one post a day that is most likely of absolutely no consequence.

Today, I studied from 3pm until 10pm in preperation of the LSAT, breaking only to snack, drink water, use the restroom, and of course fold laundry - a genetically inherited, and, thus, involuntary behavior.

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